CNC turning Service

Manufacturer of high precision CNC turning parts from China. Dedicated rapid prototyping and low-volume manufacturing services.

Rapid CNC Turning Service

Keyanng is an experienced precision CNC turning service provider in China with more than 50 CNC lathes and CNC turning centers, providing cost-effective precision machining services with short lead times. Our state-of-the-art CNC turning centers often work with a wide variety of materials, including copper, brass, stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum and titanium. We can always select the right precision turning process to meet your requirements.

Our CNC Turning Services

This video shows us the process of CNC turning, which is a common precision CNC machining process.

During CNC turning, the workpiece performs rotary motion, the tool performs linear or curvilinear motion, and while the tool tip moves relative to the workpiece, a certain amount of workpiece material is removed. to obtain final custom CNC turned parts with desired specifications.

We provide CNC turning services for any type of custom CNC part, whether simple or complex, plastic or metal. With our precision CNC turning centers, combined with other advanced capabilities and our experienced team, we can provide high quality CNC parts with fast delivery!

Advantages of CNC turning

CNC turning machines are ideal for creating round or cylindrical parts. Lathes create these parts quickly, accurately and with excellent repeatability.

Although generally used for parts of a certain shape, CNC turning can still be used to carry out a variety of cuts, including drilling, boring, threading and knurling.

We have a variety of CNC fabrication and other process capabilities to meet every need, see our services page.


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Materials for CNC Turning Parts

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